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Herzlich Willkommen im Team, Lothar Abicht!

Welcome to the team, Lothar Abicht!

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • October 11, 2022
  • News

Prof. Dr. Lothar Abicht

We have further strengthened our team. Prof. Dr. Lothar Abicht supports us as Senior Associate.

He brings with him his many years of experience and expertise in the combination of technologies and human sciences.

Lothar Abicht is an entrepreneur, honorary professor for adult education, researcher, trainer, sought-after speaker and author of numerous publications and books. He is currently working with Jan Berger on the publication “The 5th Industrial Revolution”.

We are looking forward to working with him!!

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Jan Berger als Referent beim Handelsblatt ENERGIE GIPFEL 2023

Jan Berger as speaker at Handelsblatt ENERGY SUMMIT 2023

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • October 5, 2022
  • News, Keynote

As every year, Handelsblatt is hosting its ENERGY SUMMIT 2023, image source: Handelsblatt.

Themed “The dawn of a new era”, the Handelsblatt ENERGY SUMMIT will take place from January 16-18, 2023.

Themis Foresight Founder and CEO Jan Berger joins the list of speakers – renowned experts from business and politics – and talks, among other things, about Themis Foresight’s energy report, which will be published shortly.

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Wohnungswirtschaft: Wege in die Zukunft

Housing industry: Paths to the future

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • October 5, 2022
  • News, Keynote

In her keynote speech, Carina Stöttner (pictured right) showed how housing companies can successfully position themselves for the future with the right investments.

The BBA Immobilienakademie dared to experiment and invited 20 executives from housing companies to the Bildungsbergtour 2022 in Saxon Switzerland for a sustainable professional exchange.

The openness of all participants was already proven when they signed up for this format. After all, this was not your typical conference with workshops, lectures and coffee breaks. It was in fact a tour over the mountains, where everyone knew everyone else at the end – combined with a broadened horizon in both the visual and professional sense. Nevertheless, there was no with like-minded people was still out of the question. Intensive mental work and physical exertion were on the program. were on the agenda.

The new offers opportunities above all

“Relationships are the commodity of the 21st century. That’s why we wanted to use this format to people into the foreground and network them with each other, not their functions and organizations,” says Sandra Niedergesäß, managing director at the BBA Immobilienakademie. “The new working worlds and methods offer great opportunities for the housing industry. We have incorporated them directly. Already in the run-up to the three days we got to know each other through the platform and were therefore able to jump right in.”

A look into the future sets the rough direction

And this introduction had it all: Futurologist Carina Stöttner from Themis Foresight called her input Future as Opportunity. She presented the big questions of this time not only as challenges, but positioned the real estate industry as part of the solutions. “With more courage and will, the real estate industry can help create its own opportunities from challenges such as the shortage of skilled workers, migration, climate adaptation, and energy and water shortages”. Today it’s an investment, tomorrow the housing companies will be glad to have to have invested in this way,” says Carina Stöttner.


Housing companies are more than just housing providers

Solution orientation, exchange and being human are the keys to success under changing conditions. Housing companies are not only housing providers, but also employers, social actors and institutions with weight and influence on members and tenants. That is why they are so important for the transformation of society with their external impact and their internal life. After all, most people live with a housing company. At the same time, housing is something that touches all areas of society. And that is why courageous housing companies not only face challenges, but are part of the solutions.

Excerpt from BBA Immobilienakademie press release, Christin Hering, September 2022.

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BDI Klimakongress: Rückblick

BDI Climate Congress – a review

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • September 29, 2022
  • Congress

Picture: © Christian Kruppa / BDI.

For futurologists, capturing current impressions and moods from industry is a fundamental part of their work. In order to be able to develop well-founded futures, it is also important to look at the conditions in the present and the past.

For this reason, CEO Jan Berger and Managing Director Carina Stöttner visited the Climate Congress of the BDI – Federation of German Industries on September 22. There they gathered first-hand insights from industry leaders.

Clearly audible in terms of the future was: the industry is making great strides in terms of climate targets. The statement from Salzgitter AG CEO Gunnar Groebler was unequivocal: “We will only be able to survive in Europe in the long term if we go down the path of decarbonization.” His company, Groebler said, has set itself the goal of climate neutrality.

For the present, however, the sword of Damocles remained in the room – the simmering energy crisis. Concerns about it were expressed by both sides, politics and business. The demands of business representatives to local political representatives were loud.

While the energy crisis will once again challenge the business case of every company, at the same time companies are facing old familiar obstacles.

What became clear was: When it comes to building renewables, we need to be able to act faster, especially at the local level. Katja Wünschel, CEO RWE Onshore Wind and Solar Europe & Australia, comments: “The goals are ambitious, but implementation is lagging behind. Especially for onshore and solar, we see the biggest challenges at the municipal level. Theoretically, you could get a permit in seven months. In practice, it takes five to seven years. There is a wind farm in Germany that was implemented in two years of development. What went differently here? There was an absolute commitment from everyone involved.”

Commenting on regulatory hurdles, Groebler added, “What we are already building up in terms of regulatory work in Brussels with regard to green hydrogen will slow down the market here by at least five years – other countries will pass us by and we will get into dependencies again. The European Union must allow such an industry to emerge here and thus give energy-intensive industry a chance to stay here as well”

The voices predicting a relocation of production also caused concern. BDI President Siegfried Russwurm mentioned, “20% of German SMEs said in one of our surveys that they are considering relocating production due to high energy prices.”

The words of Markus Steilemann, CEO of plastics manufacturer Covestro AG, were apt: “The situation is very dramatic because we not only have an immense increase on the energy cost side, but also because the customer industries in DE and Europe are staying away.” That, he says, is causing them to run into difficulties on the sales side as well. He says, “We have to find something to bring energy prices down. (…) We invest where there is demand – and right now this is predominantly in Asia, where energy prices are also quite low at the moment.”

The next few months will set a decisive course for the future. To this end, Themis Foresight is publishing the report “Energy Futures,” which is part of the series “The Fifth Industrial Revolution.” In it, Prof. Dr. Lothar Abicht and Jan Berger describe what the economy and energy systems could look like in 2050. The report provides information on what needs to be initiated today so that we do not fall back into the traps of the past.

  • © Christian Kruppa

  • © Christian Kruppa

  • © Christian Kruppa

  • © Christian Kruppa

  • © Christian Kruppa

  • Jan Berger & Carina Stöttner

Energy Futures


Read our latest publication on Energy 2050.

To the Report

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Unser Partnerbeirat

Our Partner Advisory Board

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • September 19, 2022
  • News

Themis Foresight team and Partner Advisory Board members at their inaugural meeting on May 23, 2022.

The Partner Advisory Board is the advisory and supporting body at our side. It is made up of renowned innovators and thought leaders, corporate executives and scientists. With their expertise, the members of the Partner Advisory Board support us in positively shaping the future of business in the German-speaking region.

The members of the Partner advisory board

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Häfen der Zukunft

Häfen der Zukunft: Wohin führt uns die Reise?

  • Profilbild Carina Stöttner

    Carina Stöttner
  • 28. März 2022
  • News

Gemeinsam mit der Hamburg Port Authority hat Themis Foresight CEO Jan Berger einen Artikel dazu verfasst, wie  sich Häfen in Anbetracht technologischer, gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Einflüsse entwickeln müssen.

“Häfen werden sich ändern und grüner werden müssen, um den Herausforderungen der Zukunft standhalten zu können. Gefragt sind innovative Ideen und der Einsatz von smarten Technologien, um der Weltwirtschaft sichere Lieferketten anbieten zu können, die weder durch die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels noch durch unvorhergesehene Ereignisse unterbrochen werden. Bei der Suche nach Lösungen müssen unter anderem Fragen der Sicherheit und der Ethik bedacht werden. Der Beitrag stellt Lösungsansätze der Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) für die Hafenstadt Hamburg vor.” schreiben die Autor:innen dazu.

Mehr Einblicke in die Zukunft der Bereiche Häfen, Lieferketten, Hafenlogistik, Automatisierung oder digitale Zwillinge gibt es hier im Artikel:

Zum Artikel

Wir begleiten Unternehmen dabei, ihr Geschäftsmodell und ihre Branche aus dem Blickwinkel der Zukunft zu betrachten. Wir bieten neben vielen anderen Bereichen auch Expertise in Logistik, Transportwesen, Supply Chain Management oder Mobilität an. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne unter oder telefonisch unter +49 170 72 77 325.

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  • Was ist Zukunftsforschung, welche Methoden verwenden wir und warum ist Foresight für Unternehmen wichtig? 

  • Putins Krieg in der Ukraine hat Konsequenzen für die Zukunft der europäischen Wirtschaft. Themis Foresight hat ein neunmonatiges Projekt gestartet, in dem wir Zukunftsszenarien für Europa entwickeln.

  • Zukunft Europas: Umfrage

    Am 24. Februar wurden die Karten neu gemischt. Welche Herausforderungen aber auch Chancen sehen Sie für die europäische und deutsche Wirtschaft? Nehmen Sie an unserer Umfrage teil!

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Globale Megatrends für Kommunalwirtschaft

Global megatrends for municipal economy

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • July 21, 2022
  • News, Keynote

Looking into the future of the municipal economy together with the approximately 100 participants: (fLTR) Norbert Hillinger (futurologist), Jonas Thiede and Sascha Bocksnick (Managing Directors of ZAKB), Steffi Brauer (Fujitsu Services GmbH), District Administrator Christian Engelhardt, Tobias Küfner (Fujitsu Services GmbH), Dr. Nico Schulte and Dr. Heinz-Josef Dornbusch (INFA Institute).

Anniversaries have always been an occasion to look back. Not so at the Zweckverband Abfallwirtschaft Kreis Bergstraße (ZAKB). The association used its 20th anniversary celebration to take a look into the future.

The focus was on the question: What opportunities and challenges does digital transformation bring for the municipal economy? Answers were provided by renowned speakers such as futurologist Norbert Hillinger. He drew a big picture of global megatrends, technological developments and innovative new developments. In addition to overarching themes such as mobility, health, consumption and communication, Hillinger also addressed applications that could already be in use in the foreseeable future: Buildings and food from 3D printers, autonomous vehicles and autonomous robots, as well as artificial intelligence that optimizes processes, improves organization and makes decisions at lightning speed.

It became clear that not only companies but also public institutions such as municipalities need to take advantage of these forecasts in order to position themselves optimally for the future.

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Auftakt Future Panel Oberösterreich: Norbert Hillinger als Experte im Beirat

Future Panel Upper Austria kicks off: Norbert Hillinger as expert on the advisory board

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • June 16, 2022
  • News

Norbert Hillinger (5th from right) with the team of the Upper Austrian Future Academy and the other experts of the advisory board at the initial meeting of the Upper Austrian Future Panel at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz Photo: © Province of Upper Austria.

These are challenging times, a world in flux and with increasing complexity, which can no longer be met with linear solutions. And it is no longer just companies that have to initiate transformation processes and reposition themselves for the future, but also entire regions. Thus, with its Future Academy, the province of Upper Austria has set out to make the economic and living model of the people of Upper Austria fit for the future.

In order to achieve a holistic perspective that takes into account all subsystems and interactions, those responsible have brought on board an interdisciplinary advisory board, a Future Panel, including our team member Norbert Hillinger as a trend and innovation consultant.  The initial meeting took place in June. The aim is to discuss future topics and analyze trends with experts from business, science and futurology. The spectrum is diverse and ranges from the topics of energy and sustainability, to securing skilled workers and new approaches in education, to digitization and technical innovations.

For the most part, these are the same challenges that most other regions in the D-A-CH area have to contend with, but they require different approaches to solving them depending on the region.

One topic at the initial meeting was therefore to define so-called “blind spots”. What needs to be considered specifically for this region, what should not be disregarded?

And probably the most important aspect for a successful transformation: How can we succeed in taking people along with us on this journey?

The answers to all these questions and challenges will be discussed and worked out in regular meetings over the next five years.

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Herzlich Willkommen im Team, Siv Helen Hesjedal!

Welcome to the team, Siv Helen Hesjedal!

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • June 8, 2022
  • News

Siv Helen Hesjedal

In June, we further strengthened our team. Siv Helen Hesjedal supports us as Senior Researcher. Our clients will primarily benefit from her long and international experience in Strategic Planning & Public Policy Development and many years as a foresight practitioner. Siv has also made a name for herself as an author.

She is passionate about using future thinking and foresight to ask deeper questions and imagine alternative futures.

Siv has spent the last 18 years in South Africa and now works mostly from Norway.

We are looking forward to working with her!

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Future Fashion Retail: Impulse für die Modebranche

Future Fashion Retail – Impulses for the fashion industry

  • Profilbild Themis Foresight

    Themis Foresight
  • June 01, 2022
  • News

Carina Stöttner spoke about fashion in changing times with an outlook to the year 2035 in her keynote speech.

On May 18, on the initiative of Alexander Gedat, we were able to spend an exciting day with the executives of GERRY WEBER International AG, Ahlers AG, Fynch-Hatton & Sportalm Kitzbühel with our Inspiration Day Future Fashion Retail!

With three presentations to get us started, we provided inspiring future impulses for the industry.

Together, we then examined which future trends and new technologies are changing the business models of companies in the industry and what design options they have. We identified relevant social, economic and technological trends, drivers and players based on the following questions:

What might a future business model look like in the metaverse? What skills does a company that offers mass individualization need? Can premium retail work in stores? And how can sustainable omnichannel fashion be designed?

The lively and entertaining work sessions produced one or two very creative ideas. We will definitely stay tuned and continue to observe where the journey is heading.

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