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Ethische KI – HPI Academy Masterclass

Masterclass “Ethical AI” at the HPI Academy

  • Profilbild Carina Stöttner

    Carina Stöttner
  • March 31, 2022
  • News

Themis Foresight is now offering a masterclass on AI ethics at the Academy of the Hasso Plattner Institute. The masterclass in Potsdam addresses executives who want to integrate AI solutions in their company.

To the Masterclass

Practical Introduction to AI Ethics Management

As the use of artificially intelligent algorithms increases in the course of automation in all areas of business, it is necessary to find answers to questions concerning the fair and ethically correct use of AI.


  • In this workshop, participants will learn what challenges need to be considered when using historical data to train an AI and why it is not advisable to extrapolate this data into the future in an automated way without further consideration.

  • Experts will answer the question why it is important to learn about the use of ethical AI at an early stage and give practical examples of both successful and unsuccessful use of AI in international companies.

  • Workshop participants will receive an overview of current regulations on the topic, both at federal and EU level, and discuss hurdles to introducing ethical AI in their company.

  • The Masterclass will enable to implement AI projects taking into account ethical guidelines and provide the knowledge to select the right tools in the purchasing process as well as in the operation of AI software.

  • Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the function of algorithms and the interaction with humans.

If you or your company needs support with ethical issues or has questions about practically applicable AI ethics, do not hesitate to contact us.

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KI-Ethik im Talent Management – Vorveröffentlichung im April

AI Ethics in Talent Management: Pre-publication of Study Planned for April

  • Profilbild Carina Stöttner

    Carina Stöttner
  • March 23, 2022
  • News

We are in the midst of a digital revolution that is affecting all areas of life. A significant driver of this revolution is artificial intelligence (AI). 

One of the big growth areas for AI is talent management.

The advantages that AI systems offer HR departments are obvious: Especially where processes can be automated, artificial intelligence plays to its strengths. For example, the time spent on resume screening can be reduced by up to 90% through the use of AI, according to experts.

Legislators refer to areas such as talent management as high-risk areas, meaning that people can come to harm here through the use of artificial intelligence – be it health-related, professional or otherwise. So to minimize the risk of AI causing harm in high-risk areas, it must meet not only technical but also ethical requirements.

The use of AI in talent management therefore requires nothing less than a sharp definition of ethical corporate values – something that many companies have yet to take for granted.

Today, corporate ethical guidelines are primarily a statement of intent and sometimes not even that, but merely a marketing strategy to convey a certain external image. Artificial intelligence cannot work with declarations of intent, however; it needs measurable ethical standards, including for fairness. But: what is fair? When asked this question, three people will give three completely different answers – not to mention companies with several thousand employees.

We have spent the last eight months researching the topic, interviewing experts around the world, and developing a practical AI ethic. The study is expected to be published at the end of April. To be notified of its release, subscribe to our newsletter here.

To put the finishing touches on the study, Jan Berger and I met with Konstantin Katsikis of KWADRAT advertising agency in Berlin last week and worked out a design concept for the study.

Together, we are also developing infographics to make complex technical topics clear for CHROs and business leaders.

If you or your company needs assistance with ethical issues or has questions about practically applicable AI ethics, do not hesitate to contact us.

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