The future of industrial work

Over the past 12 months, we have heard from our network from a wide variety of directions the desire to draw up a vision for the future of German industrial work. As a corporate foresight think tank, we see it not only as our task to advise individual companies on future issues, but also to act as a networker for the German economy in this matter and to work on joint solutions for the future. That is why we want to work with you to create a vision for the future of German industrial work, to which we will direct all our efforts.
When does it start?
Companies have the opportunity to join our project( You can find more information here and at the end of this newsletter.
In December, we will start selecting the experts who will enrich our study. On March 5, 2024, we will bring together the most important players in our renowned Future Lab to talk about the topic. Early Bird tickets for the event are still available until the end of October. Register here.(
What exactly is it about?
Germany’s industrial work is at a turning point. Our proud industrial segments, from the automotive industry to chemicals and mechanical engineering, are based on technologies and business models from the last century. These could become our Achilles’ heel if we do not act proactively. In our most recent projects, we have dealt intensively with Europe’s economy in a new world order, the Fifth Industrial Revolution and the climate transformation. Let us now turn our attention to this important topic. But we cannot do this alone. We are looking for visionary partners to bring this study to life and play out the results in politics and business. Germany is and will remain an industrialized country. – Regardless of how technological change will affect our economy, we will continue to live with and hopefully from an industry for decades to come. If we look at innovation and technology, it is too one-sided to only look at digital change. If we want to ensure the survival of people on the planet, we must bring our products into harmony with the natural balance of the biosphere. For this we need not only data, but above all things (machines, tools, materials…). Industry has a future, even if tomorrow’s will have little to do with yesterday’s. The media debates about the future of work are too one-sided (#skills shortage), follow false polarizations (home office vs. compulsory attendance) or are based on myths (“Gen Y and Z have a different attitude to work than boomers and X-ers”). HR consulting within these paradigms falls short. Society values “mental work”. AI does not do that. But “manual labor” is held in low esteem – in terms of social recognition, pay, social mobility… There is no shortage of labor. It’s just wrongly distributed. Help shape the future of industrial work in Germany.
Companies that would like to take part in this forward-looking project can contact us by mid-November. The kickoff is in December. You can find initial information here on our website: You can find out specific details about the process and the benefits of a project partnership by talking to us. Feel free to contact us or make an appointment directly for a non-binding consultation.
Become part of this project and help shape the future of industrial work in Germany! We look forward to seeing you!
With best regards
Jan Berger & Carina Stöttner
Founder & Managing Director