Do companies need futures research?
In this interview, Jan Berger and Carina Stöttner talk about the DNA of the think tank and foresight company Themis Foresight. They explain, why foresight is crucial for companies to survive in the future. Because Jan and Carina can only give the view from the inside, long-time partners, supporters and customers, who regularly support Themis Foresight with advice, have their say in the interview and present their view from the outside.
Behind Themis Foresight are inspiring minds who, as futures research, have made it their mission to dissolve existing perspectives and open up unexplored and unimaginable horizons. They use scientific methods to separate fact from fiction.
The team talks to impressive experts from a wide range of industries around the world about innovative technologies such as AI, quantum computing and blockchain. However: technology alone will not lead to progress. It needs the ability and willingness of people to use it for good. But it is difficult to tie a knot with just one hand: The company sees the opportunity to change the future sustainably for the better in the comprehensive network.
Jan Berger | Founder
Carina Stöttner | Managing Director
Jacqueline Zimmermann | Editor
Tobias Berger | Interviewer
DE (OV) | EN