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Realignment of the energy supply

How companies can align their energy supply in the long term to become independent and decarbonization thus becomes an opportunity

Decarbonization: From Crisis…

Our economic foundation is on shaky ground. The last few years have been based on the security of cheap energy and cheap capital. Short-term predictability and planning were rewarded by financial markets, while long-term planning was punished. As a result, established companies found it difficult to invest in forward-looking innovations in their business.

Currently, however, the cornerstones of this security are being shaken. Energy costs are moving to the forefront of many organizations’ spending. Driven by war, climate crisis and diminishing resources, a turnaround in energy supply and use is needed. Currently, however, we are in danger of missing the boat. Although 86% of companies affected by the war are worried about rising energy costs, at the same time surveys show that companies are reluctant to invest because of the financial burden.

But it is precisely now that companies should implement measures to transform the energy system in the name of decarbonization. Because: the next biggest leap forward will no longer come from the world of bits, but from atoms. Decarbonization will be at the core of the fifth industrial revolution.

The current crisis is an opportunity for companies to invest in their decarbonization today. In this way, companies not only ensure their survival, but also create a competitive advantage for themselves in the long term.

…To Opportunities

For the next few years, energy will be possibly the easiest EBIT lever for many companies to operate. Personnel and material costs offer little leeway for companies and their competitors. However, energy costs in particular can be influenced. Today, this lever will be decisive in determining which company will ultimately be successful in the long run.

Over the past twelve months, Themis Foresight has conducted intensive research on the topic of decarbonization, the energy industry, future energy systems and the optimization of energy application processes. We help companies align their business model with the future and adapt their energy management in light of current and future crises.

We are convinced:

Even with limited financial resources, it is equally possible to achieve long-term economic stability by restructuring the company’s energy system and to contribute to climate protection by separating from fossil energy sources.

Together with you, we develop scenarios that show how you can move from the role of dependent consumer to independent prosumer in the future, if you take advantage of current “windows of opportunities”. In this way, you can secure low energy costs in the long term and take a giant step towards decarbonization.

The energy costs of many companies are currently exploding. We support companies in reducing costs in the long term, taking into account technological developments, economic efficiency, business model(s) and legal requirements.

What we offer: Energy supply and application as EBIT levers.

We Support You With Our Foresight Expertise

We offer a systemic view of the unity of energy supply and application from the perspective of profitability, based on your business model and in the context of decarbonization requirements of legislation. We take into account both short-term measures necessary to improve EBIT as well as long-term orientation along technology trends in energy supply. Since energy supply and application are central components of decarbonization, they must be considered with all their interdependencies and understood in their entirety.

The following considerations inform our work:

  • Inventory of energy systems in their current locations (purpose and cost).
  • Medium to long-term technological developments in energy supply and their applicability in your company broken down to your production sites.
  • Comparison with your existing systems.
  • Reconstruction of energy application processes in connection with changed strategies of energy supply.
  • Cross-impact matrix between invest, long-term EBIT impact and climate impact.

Based on these considerations, you can develop a framework for the energy transformation of your overall company with its individual sites and a roadmap for the transformation of your energy systems.

Why Themis Foresight?

Energy Management & Application Processes

Comprehensive expertise on technologies and systems around these topics.


Cross-industry – as an independent business think tank.

„Best Foresight Practice“

through decades of global experience in industry, politics and consulting.

Picture of the future

A clear picture of the future for industry leaders to make far-sighted decisions today.

Our Expertise

Energy Futures 2050

The European Economy in a New World Order

A Path Towards Decarbonizing Energy, Transport and Agriculture

    Project Schedule (Example)

    Kick Off

    Clarification of the scope of the project and agreement on the process with all parties involved.

    Inventory: Energy Supply and Application

    Consideration of existing energy production and supply of your company, clarification of purposes and needs.

    Technology Assessment

    Comparison with existing and future technologies as well as optimization potentials based on our research. Elaboration of application possibilities for your purposes.

    Invest & EBIT-Impact

    Assessment of the necessary investment for a conversion and optimization of your energy supply and application as well as medium and long-term impact on your EBIT.

    Application to your company

    Concrete strategy recommendations. Result report as a basis for the creation of a medium-term energy transformation roadmap.

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    We would be happy to create an individual concept for the needs of your industry and your company. Please feel free to contact us:

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