Recording of the keynote by Jan Berger on Youtube.
It is one of the key technologies of the coming years and decades: quantum technology. Given its potential applications for solving combinatorial problems that are not yet fully tangible, on the one hand, and the underlying mechanisms with elementary particles that follow their own laws, on the other, this technology exerts an immense fascination.
This was also evident at this year’s Quantum Summit on May 11 and 12, a virtual event with 50 speakers, including Themis Foresight CEO Jan Berger, and 1,000 audience members.
Quantum technology to solve global problems?
We are guided primarily by the question of how quantum technology, and specifically quantum computing, can help policymakers, business and society address challenges in the coming decades. One of these global challenges is climate change and its associated consequences, as well as the question of how to ensure a sustainable supply of food and energy for people in all parts of the world. Can quantum computers make a contribution here?
Jan Berger ventures in his talk titled “Quantum Green: How Can Quantum Computing Help to Achieve the UN Climate Goals?” some forecasts, partly formulated as visions. According to estimates, the worldwide energy demand for computer computing power will triple by the year 2030. Quantum computers could help save the increased energy demand in other areas. He sees approaches above all in the transportation sector and in the optimization of traditional, energy-intensive industries. Completely new possibilities are conceivable here, for example
- Researching emission-free alternatives for industrial fertilizer production, such as through microorganisms
- Development of new materials based on quantum technology / quantum physics
- Generation of predictable results in scientific (medical) research without animal testing
Knowledge instead of data
It is important to emphasize to Jan Berger that the use of quantum computers cannot be about producing even larger amounts of data that will ultimately never be used, but about achieving a linkage of data, a flow of data, and thus generating knowledge, similar to the way our brain works. That is the real vision.
Our report: “A quantum vision for Germany”, which was produced in close cooperation with the Bundesdruckerei, will also be published shortly.

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