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The Future Of Liquidity

James Hoefnagels and Stefan Raß

The fundamental dilemma of credit is as old as civilization: risk.

But a complete digitization of the financial system will enable us to change the nature of credit and reduce its risk. The road to a complete transformation of the system still seems long, but developments are already emerging that financial service providers cannot afford to ignore: the traditional approach to lending will give way to a financial ecosystem that fully incorporates digitization, connectivity, and technology to achieve unprecedented clarity about the risk of specific assets.

This future analysis provides an introduction to the transformation of the financial system and offers food for thought on how companies and financial service providers can anticipate these developments early enough to successfully embrace them.

As a Senior Researcher and Strategist, James Hoefnagels pursues a deep understanding of the future. In doing so, he engages in strategic recommendations on how to succeed in preparing for possible future scenarios. Before that, he worked as a Junior Associate at the Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies and as an external consultant for the European Centre for International Political Economy. 

Stefan Raß places innovative developments in the context of future societies and connects technology with demands on people, politics and business. This enthusiasm led him to the Science-Technology-Society Institute in Vienna, where he worked on international governance models for artificial intelligence. Through his time in futures at a German automotive company, Stefan brings experience from industry and the concrete application of future technologies to the company.

  • Date

    February 2022

  • Languages

    EN (OV), DE | ©  Themis Foresight GmbH