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Themis Foresight joins the Berlin Advisors Group

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From left to right: Ana-Cristina Grohnert (owner of the management consultancy Corporate Transformation Advisors, former board member of Allianz), Dr. Joachim Lang (Managing Partner of the industry consultancy Strategic Minds Company, previously Managing Director of the BDI, among others), Martin Wiesmann (Managing Partner at Berlin Global Advisors, previously Head of Germany at J.P. Morgan.), Dr. Lutz Meyer, (owner of the communications consultancy Lutz Meyer & Company, one of the best-known PR and advertising experts in Germany and a multiple award-winning creator of political campaigns), Marein Beissel (Gymnich, event expert and owner of the event agency Beissel von Mathieu), Rieke Schulz (Managing Partner and Founder of Pathways Public Health), Ralf Welt (Managing Partner at Berlin Global Advisors, previously political advisor to the Federal Chancellery and the German Bundestag), Jan Berger (Managing Director of Themis Foresight GmbH), Holger Friedrich (Managing Partner and Founder of Pathways Public Health)

Themis Foresight, founded and led by Jan Berger and Carina Stöttner, is now officially a member of the Berlin Advisors Group (BAG). The BAG is an impressive association of companies with a wealth of experience in various fields such as industry, restructuring, diplomacy, communications, foresight, innovation, politics, events and capital markets.

The founding members of BAG are no less impressive:

  • Ana-Cristina Grohnert, owner of Corporate Transformation Advisors and former board member of Allianz.
  • Dr. Joachim Lang, Managing Partner of the industry consultancy Strategic Minds, LLC and former Managing Director of the BDI – Federation of German Industries.
  • Martin Wiesmann, Managing Partner at Berlin Global Advisors and former Head of Germany at J.P. Morgan.
  • Dr. Lutz Meyer, owner of the communications consultancy Lutz Meyer & Company and one of the best-known PR and advertising minds in Germany.
  • This impressive list was joined by Themis Foresight, Pathways Public Health GmbH – the leading health policy consultancy run by Rieke Schulz and Holger Friedrich, and the renowned event agency Beissel von Matthieu von Marein Beissel von Gymnich.

Our common goal is to support boards of directors, management and supervisory boards in positioning their companies for success, health and sustainability in an increasingly complex world. The group’s portfolio covers a wide range of services, including geopolitical risk analysis, communication strategies, corporate foresight, energy policy consulting, advocacy, event management, ESG transformation and much more.

The collaboration with BAG has already begun and we are excited about the opportunities it presents. It is important to emphasize that our joining BAG in no way compromises the financial and substantive independence of Themis Foresight. Rather, it is a logical extension of our activities. Our work often leads companies to change processes, innovation initiatives and investments. Our expertise lies in futurology and corporate foresight – this is what we want to continue to focus on. It is therefore crucial for us to have experienced and excellent partners at our side for the subsequent steps.

We are looking forward to the future with great anticipation and are looking forward to further developments in this exciting collaboration! | ©  Themis Foresight GmbH