fLTR standing: Rolf Christian Kassel, Carsten Brandes, Jürgen Keitel, Dr. Anja Marzuillo, Boris Tawakkoli, Dr. Jutta Krienke, Dr. Ursula Schütze-Kreilkamp, Dr. Marc Achhammer, Jacky Zimmermann, Dr. Olaf Theiler, Dr. Elizabeth Hofvenschiöld, Prof. Dr. Lothar Abicht, Dr. Ewald Böhlke, Christoph Bornschein; f.l. sitting: Michael Stautz, Dr. Matthias Niedenführ, Jan Berger, Carina Stöttner, Norbert Hillinger
Not in the picture: Markus Schorn, Martin Hartmann, Dr. Hinrich Holm, Ingrid Spletter-Weiß.
On May 23, 2022, thought leaders met with Themis Foresight at the Pan Am Lounge in Berlin to develop hypotheses for possible futures of the European economy that take into account the renegotiation of global economic and security policies in a Future Lab.
Future Lab to jointly develop hypotheses for possible futures of the European economy. The background was the renegotiation of global economic and security policy triggered by the Ukraine war.
The day was characterized by exciting impulses and stimulating discussions.
The results will now be further processed in a Delphi study, which will be conducted among economic leaders and policy makers starting in June. If you would like to be kept up to date on the publication of the first results, please subscribe to our newsletter.
We wanted to use the afternoon to say thank you for the support of a dozen people who have actively supported us in our first year. So in this meeting we now also formally constituted our Corporate Advisory Board.
We would like to thank all participants for the intellectual exchange and hope to see you again soon!
You can get the first glimpses of this research here: