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Anticipate and avoid long-term risks of sustainable investments.

Senior Researcher & Strategist

ESG investments are necessary…

Reliable ESG criteria are becoming increasingly important for companies and investors due to regulatory requirements. These ESG activities are important and moving in the right direction. However, ESG investments carry new risks that are not sufficiently appreciated today.

ESG criteria form an important foundation for sustainable investments. Reputable management consultancies do an excellent job of integrating ESG criteria into investment decisions. However, most companies stop at this point. Hardly anyone questions future risks arising from environmental, social and governance factors.

Viewing investments only through the lens of immediate or short-term ESG criteria jeopardizes the medium- to long-term stability of investments. In the long term, this could lead to the sustainability that is actually intended falling victim to the path dependencies that are established today.

…but they come with new risks.

One example: regenerative agriculture is considered sustainable under ESG criteria. However, the industrialization of alternative proteins can lead to stranded assets in the beef and dairy sectors if non-animal protein alternatives are produced at lower costs than animal protein. A number of new long-term risks need to be considered here.

Senior Researcher & Strategist

If alternative proteins can be produced at a lower cost than conventional meat through industrialization, an investment in regenerative agriculture is fraught with risk.

Discover long-term ESG opportunities & avoid risks

We Support You With Our Foresight Expertise.

We provide companies with an in-depth evaluation of the long-term risks and secondary effects of ESG investments. We look at the systems and logics behind new assets and uncover hidden risks. By factoring in future changes, we turn future risks into opportunities and make sustainability truly sustainable.

There is often not enough time or capability to look at long-term risks. Often, future risks are hardly visible even at second glance.

Complementing existing ESG processes in your company, we bring our foresight expertise to the table. We provide your company with a clear picture of the future to make the right investment decisions today. Instead of writing the past into the future, our research and consulting catapults you into the next decade.

With comparatively little additional effort, you can reduce your risk immensely and discover new opportunities. You will gain sound insights on topics that are not yet on your competitors’ radar. In this way, you stay ahead of your time. You ensure that your ESG investments are truly sustainable.

Why Themis Foresight?


for companies to navigate through different futures.


Cross-industry – as an independent business think tank.

„Best Foresight Practice“

Through decades of global experience in industry, policy and consulting.

Picture of the Future

A clear picture of the future for industry leaders to make far-sighted decisions today.

Unsere Expertise

A Path Towards Decarbonizing Energy, Transport and Agriculture

Final Results

Energy Futures: 2050

The European Economy in a New World Order

    Project Schedule (Example): approx. 2-3 months

    Kick Off

    Define project scope, deliverables, and timeline.

    Identification of focal points

    What are future risks characterized by?

    By combining analyses of your company, the relevant industry(ies), and examination of contextual factors, we identify focus areas for further risk and opportunity analysis.

    Picture of the future

    What will determine developments in the next one to two decades?

    Using futures research methods, we develop a clear picture of the future for the identified focus areas.

    Impact Analysis

    What does this mean for your company?

    We analyze what first, second and third order effects investment decisions will have on your company. This includes future risks as well as opportunities.

    The Way Forward

    How can your company use this knowledge?

    Based on the previous phases, we will create a set of recommendations for your company. The final product will be tailored to your specific needs.

    Download PDF for more details


    The information contained herein does not constitute investment advice. The statements on our website are not to be understood as an offer or recommendation of specific investment products.


    From Insurance to Banks: We would be happy to create an individual concept for the needs of your industry and your company. Please feel free to write to us:

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